Educational Innovation
Network Key Community

Viladecans’ 360º approach to education underpins the idea of an Educational Innovation Network that involves different public and private representatives in a city-wide project. Anybody educates, anywhere at any time. It is understood that learning happens within and out of schools’ walls, and also physically and, increasingly, from and with virtual digital tools.

This education conception makes everybody co-responsible in the teaching-learning process. Bridges between potentially education agents, formal and non-formal, promote collaborative efforts and have a multiplying impact.

With this in view, all ON BOARD partners engaged members from different stakeholders’ groups to participate in the international gatherings, their local planning meetings and in pilot innovative projects.

Teachers and headmasters were obviously the first ones, but other followed: local businesses and the university, entities of all kinds, families, the students themselves… they turned to have a high potential and interest in connecting with each other to improve students’ interest, skills and capacities from a “real world” standpoint and beyond the formal curricula.

Students' empowerment
and higher motivation

At the basis of the students’ education success is motivation. All ON BOARD partners know that the student’s direct involvement in education decisions and projects spurs their interest and motivation. Before attending the meeting in Poznan, all cities surveyed students from the schools participating in the ON BOARD project to understand what exactly motivates them and what their expectations are.

Interestingly, their ideas confirmed the conclusions already heard form experts. Students’ feedback showed that taking advantage of their digital, technological and social media skills contribute to heighten their interest. The use of image (videos, tick-tock…), arts (music, dance, theatre…) and other formats of learning and communicating clearly connect with their way of learning.

Exchanging with other schools in the city or elsewhere, was mentioned to contribute to make education more attractive. Finally, taking responsibility in organisations that address their own passions, for example music, arts, social and environmental concerns, is a good way to raise interest. In sum, overcoming the traditional styles of learning strictly form a book and participating in projects that connect them with real life.

As part of their Plan to improve their own Good Practice, the Lead Partner city of Viladecans wants to make students’ voices heard and empower young people so they can participate as members of the Educational Innovation Network. 
